Title: ECOFACT – the innovative platform to make your plant efficient
Date: 6th of April 2021
Time: 11-12.30 CET
Speakers: The project coordinator Francisco Morentin from CARTIF, the webinar organisers Stefano Barberis and Iris Xhani from RINA Consulting and Jorge Arnal from Fundación CIRCE
On 6th of April, RinaConsulting is hosting a webinar featuring the potential capabilities of the ECOFACT Platform thanks to the participation of the project coordinator from CARTIF and the project partner CIRCE.
The webinar will give an in-depth insight to the ECOFACT platform showcasing its structures and features. Along with this there will discussion on findings of a recent survey on end users’ requirements including conclusions reached and lessons learnt and outputs from project analysis on the different manufacturing sectors identified. The aim is to make this an interactive webinar with different polls throughout the event and a Q&A session afterwards.
The webinar is open to all European and worldwide industrial players, as well as researchers, representatives of companies, associations, actors in the manufacturing sector.
Register here