Title: ECOFACT – Year One review
Date: 23rd September 2021
Time: 11.30 – 13.00 CET
- Francisco Morentin – CARTIF
- Dimitris Kourkoumpas – CERTH
- Federica Rosasco – RINA-C
- Mark Power – IMR
- Iris Xhani – RINA-C
On 23rd of September, ECOFACT will be hosting a webinar that will give an update on year one of the project. The webinar will be in-depth discussion about ECOFACT from project members and will include topics such as:
- Project summary
- Demo sites overview
- Year one highlights
- Project output: Regulatory framework analysis
- Further activities.
The aim is to make this an interactive webinar with different polls throughout the event and a Q&A session afterwards.
The webinar is open to all European and worldwide industrial players, as well as researchers, representatives of companies, associations, actors in the manufacturing sector.