This summary reflects on the progress made in ECOFACT over the past six months, highlighting key achievements and deliverables from September 2023 (Month 36) to March 2024 (Month 42).
WP2 – Holistic monitoring and data-acquisition solutions
Key achievements:
- Key achievements:
- Finalisation of the mid-layer integration for Athenian Brewery (AB) and Gullon (GUL).
- Ongoing platform deployment work at Arcelik (ARC) and CurentMetal.
- Configuration tasks at Tofas (TOF) for seamless data integration into the mid-layer.
- Deliverables submitted: None in this period.
Deliverables submitted: None in this period.
WP3 – Energy and Resource Management
System (ERMS)
Key achievements:
- Full integration of the Digital Twin Platform (DTP) into the ECOFACT UI.
- Successful testing and validation of DTP’s energy simulation and optimisation tool for AB operations and integration with other ECOFACT components.
- IT operational enhancements to the Factory Hub tool.
- Improvements made to the Industrial Energy Disaggregation (IED) model for GUL.
Deliverables submitted: None in this period.
WP4 – Dynamic LCA/LCCA module and value chain data integrations
Key achievements:
- Sensor and LCA parameter mapping for use cases.
- Enhancements to Arcelik’s LCA model with additional sensors and use cases.
- Testing conducted on the ECOFACT platform.
Deliverables submitted: None in this period.
WP5 – ECOFACT platform and ICT framework development
Key achievements:
- Initial collection of components and sub-components uploaded to the Platform Components Repository from partners.
- Refinement and testing of end-to-end communication for ECOFACT software components related to AB’s Must Cooling Operation Optimisation (related to WP6 activities).
Deliverables submitted: None in this period.
WP6 – Demonstration
Key achievements:
- Completion of hardware installations at Tofas, Arcelik, and Gullon demo sites.
- Finalisation of ECOFACT use case descriptions and resolution of issues for AB and Tofas demo sites.
- Initiation of testing for AB’s Optimisation of Must Cooling Operation use case.
- Successful installation of PV modules and Sensor Box at Arcelik demo site.
- Validation tests conducted at pre-demonstration facilities for ECOFACT solution.
Deliverables submitted: None in this period.
WP7 – Standardization, certification and regulation of energy efficient manufacturing
Key achievements:
- Development of requirements for Energy Management and Sustainable Manufacturing (EMSM) Project methodology.
- Survey conducted with demonstration partners to understand industrial decision-making rationale and promote policy instruments for sustainable practices in EU manufacturing.
Deliverables submitted: None in this period.
WP8 – Replication and exploitation
Key achievements:
- Review and functionality assessment of the ECOFACT platform.
- Methodology definition for ESCO and business models promotion at industrial scale, including fostering industrial cooperation.
- Methodology definition for high-level market assessment.
- Update of Key Exploitable Results (KERs) table with addition of new KERs and updates to existing ones.
Deliverables submitted: None in this period.
WP9 – Dissemination and Communication
Key achievements:
- Successfully launched the “ECOFACT Training and Digital Educational Kit Workshop” aimed at disseminating project knowledge through structured training activities. The digital educational kit comprises 8 modules and is designed to educate diverse audiences about the project’s innovations, currently being implemented in workshops across ECOFACT’s pre-demo and demo sites.
- Regular updates across ECOFACT channels (website, social media) resulting in significant growth in followers (8.4% on Twitter and 10.6% on LinkedIn).
- Finalisation of Promotional Video 2.
- Active participation of consortium members in key industry events such as the plenary meeting of the European CEN and CENELEC Joint Technical Committee 14, Enlit Paris, and the M42 General Assembly.
Deliverables submitted: None in this period.