Title: An introduction into ECOFACT’s framework & methodology
Date: 28th October 2021
Time: 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM BST
- Francisco Morentin – Cartif
- Jorge Arnal Mañas – CIRCE
- Julia Vicente – CARTIF
- Iris Xhani -Rina
- Project overview
- Outlining ECOFACT’s place within the EU manufacturing sector
- Defining the main characteristics of ECOFACT platform and it’s method for evaluating results
- Conclusion and Q&A
This webinar for EU Sustainable Energy Week will give attendees an introduction into the ECOFACT project framework and methodology. Speakers will give a project overview, an insight into methodological guidelines for an intelligent data-driven manufacturing management used within the project and explore the reference KPI framework for the evaluation of the project achievements and support of sustainability assessments during the operational phase.